Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Psychology - Essay Example There is an innate urge to acquire satisfaction at the physical and physiological levels. The physical needs of humans are to acquire adequate shelter, food, clothes, education, health, and prosperity. The psychological needs seek to acquire independence and autonomy through the development of various competencies and skills (Bridges, 2004). The humanistic approach argues that individuals strive to use their experiences and circumstances to develop particular beliefs and values. Self development occurs when the individual is able to have confidence in personal feelings and qualities. It is the natural desire of human beings to achieve contentment and realization so that objectives can be met. The formative years help children to develop behaviors and actions that are taken from parents, siblings, friends, and teachers (Bohart, 2001). The child desires to have recognition and appeal so that an inner satisfaction can be generated. Rogers argued that the gaps between the ideal and real conditions create psychological problems. These problems can hinder the mental and physical development of individuals. It creates obstacles that prevent the individual from achieving contentment and satisfaction in life. Implicit memory is a term used to describe the subconscious motivation that helps in the accomplishment of goals and objectives. The subconscious process is guided through individual experiences in a systematic and logical manner. Implicit memory seeks to understand the intrinsic and innate processes that help human beings to perform tasks in an efficient and effective manner (Roediger, 2003). It can be empirically analyzed and assessed by using a psychological technique called priming. This technique introduces test subjects to specific incentives and motivators. The stimulus can either be visual, auditory, or imaginary but it produces the desired result. An individual will be able to perform a task using subconscious processes. This strategy helps individuals in developing a number of skills and competencies. A number of tasks can utilize implicit memory that is beneficial for human beings. The process of reverse reading or completing jigsaw puzzles is examples of implicit memory (Chun, 2000). The individual uses subconscious experiences in order to accomplish such tasks. Other tasks could include processes that require the intricate analysis and assessment of new problems. Explicit memory requires the use of conscious in order to complete certain tasks. It requires high levels of awareness and perception in order to achieve the desired results. However implicit memory utilizes subconscious memories and processes to complete tasks. Reber argued that implicit memory can help individuals to gain satisfaction and contentment with the surrounding environment. It can play a crucial role in the acquisition of complex skills and competencies (Chun & Phelps, 2000). Change Blindness Change blindness refers to situations in which individuals cannot identify modifications and alterations in the visual environment. Barriers and obstacles retard the ability of the human eye to accurately monitor changes in the environment. Visual short term memory (VSTM) can induce change blindness in a number of ways. The human being might make a visual error by failing to accurately record the changes in the en

Monday, October 28, 2019

Public Administration Essay Example for Free

Public Administration Essay â€Å"The Blast in Centralia No. 5: A Mine Disaster No One Stopped† by John Bartlow Martin. Reprinted by permission of Harold Ober Associates Incorporated. Copyright 1948 by John Bartlow Martin. Copyright renewed 1975 by John Bartlow Martin. Overview The title of this case study alone insinuates that perhaps this mine disaster could have been prevented. Martin opens his case study with very descriptive and gruesome details about the events that lead up to the explosion. Martin states: â€Å"One hundred and eleven men were killed in that explosion. Killed needlessly, for almost everybody concerned had known for months, even years, that the mine was dangerous. Yet nobody had done anything effective about it† (Stillman 31). Initially, the thought and idea that a community would allow such a horrific event to occur that could have been prevented is terrifying and somewhat startling. Martin uses his case study to explore various questions regarding this mine disaster as well as the background and other potential issues surrounding the explosion. Purpose The overall goal of this case study is to place an emphasis on how dependent modern day society is on public administration to handle chaotic or unexpected situations. In exploring various aspects of this catastrophe, Martin explores the following: (1). A coal company sensitive only to profit incentives. (2). State regulatory agencies inadequately enforcing mine safety legislation. (3). Federal officials and mine unions complacent about a growing problem. (4). The miners incapable of protecting themselves against the impending disaster. Ultimately, â€Å"Modern society depends on the proper functioning of unseen administrative arrangements for safeguarding our environment; for protecting the purity of our food; for transporting us safely by road, rail, or air; for sending us our mail; or negotiating an arms limitations agreement at some distant diplomatic conference. All of us like miners in Centralia No. 5, rely throughout our lives on the immovable juggernaut of impersonal administrative systems† (Stillman 30). It seems  that most people as a whole have absent mindedly become too dependent on something as abstract and complicated as public administration. It seems to be public administration and its official’s responsibility to handle any concern in the community as well as make everything flow smoothly. To the Letter of the Law Driscoll O. Scanlan, a dedicated mine inspector, strove to enforce mining laws â€Å"to the letter of the law† because he deeply desired to protect miners and took his responsibility and job deeply. In a sense, Scanlan’s motivation toward the Constitution (the law), bureaucracy (as a public administrator responsible to the public), and obligation all played a key factor in his attitude and efforts that he made towards inspecting mines. The Stillman text states the following in regards to Scanlan: â€Å"Other inspectors, arriving to inspect a mine would go into the office and chat with the company officials. Not Scanlan; he waited outside, and down in the mine he talked with the miners, not the bosses† (Stillman 32). The text goes on to state many other comparisons between Scanlan and the other mine inspectors. Scanlan’s actions and efforts showed that he truly had a passion for his job and a genuine concern for the miners. For all of these reasons and many more, Scanlan gained a different perspective as well as insight than the other inspectors which ultimately led him to deem the Centralia No. 5 mine the worst in the district. This realization pushed him to take action. Scanlan’s Actions Scanlan was very persistent in his attempts to bring attention to the troublesome areas in the Centralia No. 5. Mine. Letter after letter he provided a detailed description of issues, potential recommendations, and concerns that he had about the condition of the mine. Those concerns included the following: (1). The amount of dust (2). The overall cleanliness of the mine. I am for the efforts and attempts that Scanlan made. Over a period of thirteen years, Scanlan took the appropriate steps towards potentially preventing the disaster that occurred in the Centralia No. 5. Mine. Scanlan reached out to the Department of Mines, Minerals at Springfield company, directors of various departments, Governor Green, presidents in numerous agencies, superintendents, attended meetings, and  made many other actions that could have benefited the miners and the overall condition of the mine. Alternative Actions Scanlan could have done the following after he saw that effort was not being made to aid the miners or the mine: (1) Dust the mine himself (2) Sprinkle the roads himself (3) Threaten to shut down the mine (4) Actually close down the mine. All of these potential options were possible; however, these actions would have been very time consuming and tedious. Overall, Scanlan did all that he could do to prevent the disaster in the mine. By law, a mine inspector could shut down a mine. Scanlan informed the miners of their potential dangers as well as gave certain recommendations and reported his findings to the appropriate actors. As a last resort, Scanlan could have closed down the mine or went to and relied on an inspector or supervisor above him to take further action. Responsibility According to an article entitled: Can Government Regulate Safety? The Coal Mine Example, â€Å"the Federal government has been directly involved in coal mining safety for over 35 years, operating under three major pieces of legislation enacted in 1941, 1952, and 1969. In fact, the 1941 and 1969 regulations significantly reduced the fatality rate in coal mining† (Lewis-Beck and Alford 1). Mark Aldrich, professor of economics at Smith College, stated the following in his article entitled: The Needless Peril of the Coal Mine: The Bureau of Mines and the Campaign against Coal Mine Explosions, 1910-1940, â€Å"The bureau continued the safety investigations begun by the USGS which focused largely on the prevention of explosions and their con-sequences. In addition to certifying and championing the use of permissible mine equipment, it also launched a first-aid and mine rescue campaign. But its most important work was its investigation of the causes of coal dust explosions and its campaign to spread rock-dusting technology. This choice of safety priorities resulted in part from the bureaus bureaucratic structure and scientific and technological orientation. No group within the bureau was charged with setting priorities, and research problems were usually chosen by scientists with little direction from above† (Aldrich 542). Conclusion If the appropriate actions were taken when Scanlan first made recommendations about the mine, the mine disaster could have been prevented. Ultimately, it is not one person or agency’s full responsibility to prevent disasters such as this one; it is a joint effort among workers, the community, legislation, inspectors, and many more to ensure that working conditions are safe and not a potential hazard to society as a whole. References Aldrich, Mark. Preventing The Needless Peril of the Coal Mine: The Bureau of Mines and the Campaign against Coal Mine Explosions, 1910-1940 Technology and Culture , Vol. 36, No. 3 (Jul., 1995), pp. 483-518. Published by: The Johns Hopkins University Press on behalf of the Society for the History of Technology Article Stable URL: Lewis-Beck ,Michael S. and John R. Alford. â€Å"Can Government Regulate Safety? The Coal Mine Example.† The American Political Science Review , Vol. 74, No. 3 (Sep., 1980), pp. 745-756 Published by: American Political Science Association Article Stable URL: Stillman, Richard Joseph. Public Administration: Concepts and Cases. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2010. Print. â€Å"The Blast in Centralia No. 5: A Mine Disaster No One Stopped† by John Bartlow Martin. Reprinted by permission of Harold Ober Associates Incorporated. Copyright 1948 by John Bartlow Martin. Copyright renewed 1975 by John Bartlow Martin.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Great Divorce Essay examples -- essays research papers

This book is delightfully insightful in it is content. Lewis is the narrator of his story, which begins in Hell, a dreary town full of empty streets. Lewis uses a dream as the vehicle to carry his ideas. Lewis boards a bus for Heaven with other ghosts from the town. It is not until the last chapter of the book that the reader finds out that Lewis is actually having a dream. Lewis finds himself in a dark and dreary place, where the houses are gray and empty, a dismal rain never stops, and time is eternally stuck in the bleak period just before sunset. Walking through this abominable town, he happens to find a bus stop, which takes inhabitants out of this gloomy place and into a much brighter happier world. Slightly bewildered, Lewis boards the bus and begins a journey out of a city named Hell and into another city called Heaven. When he arrives at his destination, Lewis discovers that Hell’s inhabitants do not enjoy the beauty of this new land. In heaven, these people become ghosts because they are not strong enough to endure the substantive things of this world. The grass and water cut through their feet and even the tiniest object is to heavy for the ghosts to pick up. The rain would penetrate them like bullets would from a machine gun. The concept of Heaven being incredibly large and Hell being considerably small, smaller than a grain of sand is quite a comparison. The ghosts refused any help from the residents of heaven. One of the major mistakes the ghosts made was trying to conquer their struggles with their own powers. Time and again, Lewis sees the ghosts fail, but they still will not let go of what is holding them back. While Lewis is walking he meets George MacDonald who aids him in his journey through heaven. MacDonald tells Lewis that this journey is a dream, which will make clear to him that souls have a choice between Heaven and Hell and what that choice is. Lewis, at first, is unable to understand why the lost souls must be damned. However, he is finally persuaded that Hell is the only merciful solution for the lost souls. Passing by many sad spectacles of people from Hell, Lewis begins to understand, with the help of MacDonald, that these people must throw away everything and commit their lives to Christ. Whether a warning to or a reflection on society, the book stimulates thought and forces the reader to look inward at his or her own... ...ce too? Should not Christians weep over the lost? Should not we ask the Lord of the field to send laborers into His harvest (Luke 10:2)? Certainly! Lewis gives the reader a vivid account of how Heaven and Hell look like and what will happen once souls get there. I believe Lewis, through this book, was trying to show that people have a choice in whether or not they go to Heaven or Hell. People don't choose Hell with a full understanding of what they are doing. They don't have a clear picture of the eternal happiness they will miss or the everlasting separation and darkness they will endure. According to the Bible, Hell is a place of choice. As a result, the Bible repeatedly appeals to its readers to choose the way of life rather than the path of death and judgment. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul (Mark 8:36,37)? So, what must one do in order to get to heaven? Jesus says in order to go to Heaven you must be born again (John 3:7). Lewis never comes out directly and tells them you must be saved. He does it in a way that leaves the reader thinking the only way is through Jesus Christ.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Essay -- Drugs Sixties Health Essays

Lysergic Acid Diethylamide The late sixties were a time filled with sex, drugs, and rock and roll. A huge part of American culture at the time was focused around these three things. Musicians possessed a tremendous amount of social influence, and like wise, society put a lot of emphasis on the lives and attitudes of musicians. Of the rock groups from this time period, the Beatles were by far the most influential. The British rock group was probably the most catalytic band in rock and roll history. Although they came together in the shadow of the Beatles, another band of that era was Jefferson Airplane. Jefferson Airplane was deemed the first of the San Francisco psychedelic rock groups. Jefferson Airplane was always considered to be a psychedelic rock group, but it was not until later in their existence that the Beatles fell into this category as well. Both groups earned this title for their creative style of rock as well as for their experimentation with drugs. Each of these groups wrote songs that alluded to drug use at one time or another. Two of the most criticized songs from these bands are Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds by the Beatles, and White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane. White Rabbit is a song latent with drug references. The connection with drugs in Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is not as clear. Although John Lennon claims that he had no intention of making references to LSD in his song, the abstract lyrics and metaphoric language invite drug connotation. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and White Rabbit mirror each other in their association with LSD and their allusions to Alice in Wonderland, but looking into these songs more deeply it is obvious that both artists were writing about escape; escaping reality. Lyserg... ...ame out of the late 1960's. Both songs were criticized for their relationships to drug use and possible influence on impressionable youths. It was the media, the fans, and the critics that Jefferson Airplane and the Beatles were trying to escape from. It was through their music, Alice in Wonderland, and a drug called LSD that they were able to do so. Works Cited "The Beatles Ultimate Experience Database: Songwriting and Recording Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band." (Online) Available, 25 September 2000. "KidsHeath." (Online) Available, 26 September 2000. Larrea, J.J. "Fifty Years Later, LSD Gains New Popularity in High Schools." (Online) Available, 27 September 2000.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Fictitious Business Description Essay

The main purpose of this study is to discuss the importance of a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) in Castle’s Family Restaurant. We are therefore going to discuss on the HR problems in Castle’s Family Restaurant and how the implementation of HRIS will enable the company to reduce costs together with ensuring efficiency in HR operations (Randall S. & Susan E. 2007). Business assessment Castle’s Family Restaurant in Northern California is the business to be assisted. It is large in size since it runs several branches in different locations and also has over 300 employees and this makes it to be a company. Depending on the size of the business, I have in my description assumed that Castle’s Family Restaurant is a since it has many employees and many branches. This assumption is based on the background of restaurant work environment and industry. Based on the basic theory of business complexity and getting work done restaurants should employ many workers to ensure that work is done efficiently like in the case of Castle’s Family Restaurant. Identified problems In the review of the HR of Castle’s Family Restaurant, I have noted the following: I have discovered that business does not have a human resource manager rather the operations manager served as HR manager. The company has not implemented HRIS which is important in monitoring the employee’s performance (Randall S. & Susan E. 2007). It is therefore evident that the HR is experiencing problems since the HR manager is unqualified and had so many duties to handle which is quite tiresome for him. Some of the functions of a HR include manpower planning, recruitment and training of employees, hiring employees and monitoring employees to ensure high performance. In my analysis I will focus much on monitoring of employees performance which will help me design a business plan. The main reason for focusing on this HR function is because the company seems to have failed in its implementation of HRIS which could be useful in reducing the HR managers travel time and travelling costs and that is why the HR manager has to travel to the branches to monitors employees performance. According to the resource-based theory of Human Resources, strategic management of the company resources leads to its success (Randall S. & Susan E. 2007). Increase in the costs incurred by the company is wastage of company resources since a better method can be implemented to reduce these costs and improve company’s performance. HRIS needs assessment According to Michael J. & Mohan T. (2008), HRIS is an online solution used by Human Resources to enter data, track data and manage accounting and payroll functions of the company. The main purpose of implementing HRIS in a company is to reduce the manual workload in HR administrative activities through tracking existing workers. Implementation of this software will create a more efficient process from the HR in the sense that it will help the HR manager to manage information about the employees, analyze employee information, manage resumes and new applications and also complete payroll integration with other financial accounting software in the company (Michael J. Mohan T. 2008). Automating all HR functions saves a lot of time and resources and hence increasing efficiency in HR operations as suggested by the resource-based theory of Human Resources. By implementing HRIS in Castle’s Family Restaurant, the HR manager will not have to travel to all company branches to monitor and answer employees questions rather he will perform his duties in his office. All questions that need to be answered will be answered through this software. Application or implementation of HRIS in Castle’s Family Restaurant will therefore enable the HR manager to complete all of his tasks in a cost-effective manner. Conclusion As a HR consultant, I would advise Castle’s Family Restaurant to implement HRIS as this software will solve much of the HR problems and hence leading to reduced costs and improved HR efficiency. Implementation of HRIS will make the company to effectively use it resources for better operations.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Story of the First Lawn Mower

The Story of the First Lawn Mower Formal lawns made of short, well-maintained grass first appeared in France around the 1700s, and the idea soon spread to England and the rest of the world. But the methods of maintaining lawns were labor-intensive, inefficient or inconsistent: Lawns were first kept clean and tidy by having animals graze on the grass, or by the use of scythe, sickle, or shears to hand-cut the grass lawns. That changed in the mid-19th century with the invention of the lawnmower.   Machine for Mowing Lawns The first patent for a mechanical lawn mower described as a Machine for mowing lawns, etc. was granted on August 31, 1830, to engineer, Edwin Beard Budding (1795-1846) from Stroud, Gloucestershire, England.  Buddings design was based on a cutting tool used for the uniform trimming of carpet. It was a reel-type mower that had a series of blades arranged around a cylinder. John Ferrabee, owner of Phoenix Foundry at Thrupp Mill, Stroud, first produced the Budding lawn mowers, which were sold to the Zoological Gardens in London (see illustration). In 1842,  Scotsman Alexander Shanks invented  a 27-inch pony drawn reel lawn mower. The first United States patent for a reel lawn mower was granted to Amariah Hills on January 12, 1868. Early lawn mowers were often designed to be horse-drawn, with the horses often wearing oversized leather booties to prevent lawn damage. In 1870, Elwood McGuire of Richmond, Indiana designed a very popular human pushed lawn mower; while it wasnt the first to be human-pushed, his design was very lightweight and became a commercial success. Steam-powered lawn mowers appeared in the 1890s. In 1902, Ransomes produced the first commercially available mower powered by an internal combustion gasoline engine. In the United States, gasoline powered lawn mowers were first manufactured in 1919 by Colonel Edwin George.   On May 9, 1899, John Albert Burr patented an improved rotary blade lawn mower. While marginal improvements have been made in mower technology (including the all-important riding mower), some municipalities and companies are bringing back the old ways by using grazing goats as a low-cost, low-emission mower alternative.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Understanding Aber and Sondern in German

Understanding Aber and Sondern in German ​Conjunctions are words that link two sentences. In German, they belong to the group of non-declinable words, which means that they never change, no matter what case you think you should use or what gender a following noun has. However, while in English you might only have one option, in German you will often find several possibilities to choose from.  Such is the case with aber and sondern, which your dictionary will most certainly translate both as but. Using but in German Take a look at the following sentences: The child didnt want to go home, but to the park. Das Kind will nicht nach Hause gehen, sondern zum Park. I dont understand what you say, but you will certainly be right. Ich verstehe nicht, was Sie sagen, aber Sie werden schon Recht haben. She is exhausted but doesnt want to go to sleep. Sie ist erschà ¶pft aber will nicht schlafen gehen. As you can see, both aber and sondern mean but in English. How do you know which but conjunction to use? It is actually quite simple: Aber, which means but or however,  is used after either a positive or negative clause. On the other hand, sondern is only used after a negative clause when expressing a contradiction. In other words, the first clause of the sentence must contain either nicht or kein, and the second part of the sentence must contradict the first part of the sentence. Sondern can be best translated as  but rather. Carusos Little Brother Helps You to Create Better Sentences One last thing: aber and sondern are so called ADUSO-words. ADUSO is an acronym for: Aaber (but)Ddenn (because)Uund (and)Ssondern (contradicting but)Ooder (or) Those conjunctions all take position zero in a sentence. To remember that, you might want to think of ADUSO as the little brother of Enrico Caruso, the great opera singer. But he never grew out of his famous brothers shadow and remained quite a loser. Imagine the o in loser as a zero to remember position zero. A Little Quiz Lets test your knowledge. Which German version of but would you use in the following sentences? Ich komme nicht aus England _____ aus Schottland. I dont come from England but from Scotland. Ich bin hungrig, _____  ich habe keine Zeit etwas zu essen. I am hungry, but I dont have time to eat something. Sie spricht drei Sprachen: Englisch, Russisch, und Arabisch, _____ leider kein Deutsch. She speaks three languages: English, Russian, and Arabic, but unfortunately no German. Wir htten gerne drei cheeseburger _____ ohne Zwiebeln. We would like (to have) three cheeseburgers but without onions. Er hat keinen Kartoffelsalat mitgebracht, _____  Nudelsalat. He didnt bring potato salad, but noodle salad. Er hat gesagt, er bringt Kartoffelsalat mit, _____ er hat Nudelsalat mitgebracht. He said, hed bring potato salad, but he brought noodle salad. Answers to the Quiz Ich komme nicht aus England,  sondern  aus Schottland.Ich bin hungrig,  aber  ich habe keine Zeit etwas zu essen.Sie spricht drei Sprachen: Englisch, Russisch und Arabisch  aber  leider kein Deutsch.Wir htten gerne drei Cheeseburger,  aber  ohne Zwiebeln.Er hat keinen Kartoffelsalat mitgebracht, sondern  Nudelsalat.Er hat gesagt, er bringt Kartoffelsalat mit,  aber  er hat Nudelsalat mitgebracht.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Horrifying Story of Rape in the Military

A Horrifying Story of Rape in the Military Brigid Harry (not her real name) is a wife, mother, and co-owner of a small marketing communications company she runs with her husband. She earned her MBA after completing her military service and now lives in New York. After years of silence, shes decided to share her story. I was 20, had already worked for 3 years as a secretary at a major corporation in my hometown, and was impatient to grow. Id come into the company all starry-eyed and within months had absorbed the tasks of two co-workers whod been laid off, folks with years at the company and most with two-year degrees. I didnt get far, because I was 20...and a girl. Perhaps an immature, impatient girl as I look back on it, but I knew that a high school diploma was going to get me nowhere - unless I was happy staying a secretary, and I wasnt. A Decision to Enlist A few years earlier Id considered the military as an alternative to a career in the business world. The recruiters all focused on education in their pitches, so I took some tests which revealed I was very qualified for a program that the Marines had - a photojournalist. They offered a special one-year program: candidates would live as civilians and attend one of the countrys top journalism schools as part of their education. All I had to do was sign. A few months later I did. Boot camp was rough (9 weeks for the gals), and other than some minor back issues that developed from the daily PT (physical training), I did just fine. During this time, I took additional testing and earned a perfect score for Morse Code Intercept and languages, which meant they really wanted me to learn Morse Code, and then Russian. Even though Id passed all the tests for a photojournalist, I caved to their daily badgering and signed away my first option. Normal Conversations I was sent to my first duty station at the Naval Air Station at Pensacola, FL, where all 5 services were sent to learn Morse Code. A few months into service, my back problems got worse, and I developed daily headaches and migraines. The base doctor, a youngish Navy captain from Puerto Rico, assigned some physical therapy and then had me follow-up with him. In our meetings, wed chat - and I knew I had to be appropriate in my conversations because he was an officer and I was enlisted. However, I believed that he was reaching out to me, glad to have a normal conversation with someone who had interests outside of the base and the bars that ringed the base. He invited me out to dinner one evening as a  friend. Nothing romantic was implied, he assured me, and I mentioned that I did have a boyfriend back home, a young man Id met just before I left. He said that he enjoyed our talks about old movies and old music​ because everyone else on the base wanted to talk about getting drunk or war. Dinner and Movies He also assured me that it would be after hours, off the base, and that the officer/enlisted thing wouldnt be an issue. I hesitated, but I found him pleasant and believed what he said. We agreed to go to an old movie festival (I actually think it was Bogart films) that was running that evening nearby, and he arranged to pick me up. I dressed casually, which back then (and with my lack of fashion sense) was jeans, a jean vest, and some sort of shiny blue polyester shirt - a bit on the boyish side, as I think back, but as we were to grab a burger and then watch old movies in a darkened theater, fashion was the least of my concerns. Why Dont We Eat Here First? He was prompt. He drove a black Trans-Am Firebird. The car actually surprised me because he hadnt struck me as one of those kinds of guys. Nevertheless, I climbed in and we left to go to dinner. But then he stopped at his off-base apartment, saying he needed to pick something up, and I could certainly join him for a few minutes. Okay, I thought - naively. As I noticed a package of chicken on the counter, and spices, and potatoes, he casually suggested, Why dont we eat here first? We had a few hours before the movies started, and besides, they ran continuously through the night. I agreed, but with hesitation. He poured me a drink (the legal drinking age was at 18 at the time) and I consumed it, too quickly, which has always been my style. As he prepared dinner, I had another drink, and then a third. They were strong, and I hadnt eaten anything since lunch 6 hours earlier. The chicken went into the oven, and we sat on the couch to chat. I remember asking why he joined the service, as hed indicated he wasnt like the other military types on base. He said he just that he wanted to get out of Puerto Rico. An Officer, Not a Gentleman He poured me another drink and I hesitated, feeling buzzed and growing uncomfortable. I asked when dinner would be ready, and could we get to the movie festival in time. Thats when he leaned over to kiss me. I recoiled. I mean, he was an officer, I was enlisted, and I had a boyfriend. My mind raced. I didnt know what to do. I said I had to use the bathroom and he pointed to a door in the hallway. I headed in that direction, my face red, feeling really uncomfortable. When I opened the bathroom door to exit he was standing there with his pants off. He grabbed me in a huge bear hug and pushed me into the adjacent bedroom. I stiffened and said I wasnt interested - that I had a boyfriend, that I really felt sick to my stomach, that I didnt know about sex (all true). Please, I thought we were going to see old movies. Please let me go, I feel nauseous. Please stop. Please dont do this. Please, please, please. Please. He was stronger than me. He twisted my arms behind me and started pawing at my clothes - my boyish, unattractive clothes. He pulled until he created a burn between the denim and my thighs. He pulled at my underpants until they tore. He jumped on top of me as I pulled to turn sideways. His voice was angry now. Frozen It was over in a few moments - he was quick to come to completion. I was frozen in a curled position, with my clothes draped over me. He grunted, Get up, Ill take you back to the base. I didnt know what to do. Should I go with him? Should I get a cab? I said Id go with him. I pulled my clothes back around me and stood there trembling. He drove me to the base, and I jumped out of the car. My room was in a dorm-like setting, and I shared a bunk with an Army gal, African American, who outranked me. She wasnt home as she was on a date. I jumped into the shower and probably stood there for over an hour. I didnt cry. I tried, and couldnt. But I scrubbed and grew angry at myself, at him, at my life choices. Admitting I Had Been Raped Monday - three days later - I went to class. At noon, I went to the base chaplain, a Catholic priest, a Navy officer, and told him what happened. It wasnt easy, and I never looked up from my hands in my lap. Did I lose my virginity, he asked, or was that something I had already done prior to Friday evening? Well, I admitted, I dont think this did that because†¦oh, God – I remembered something - this man had a child-size penis. I knew what they looked like - I had two younger brothers and changed my share of diapers. No, I hadnt bled. Was there any chance I was pregnant, the Navy priest then asked. I finally looked up, still red from having stated aloud the miniscule size of the doctors penis. What? Could I be pregnant? He continued that if there was any chance of pregnancy, I could never consider an abortion. What? Pregnant? That was the least of my concerns, I mumbled. I was...yes, admit it†¦I had been raped. I mean, yes, I went in his car. Yes, I had drinks. Yes, I knew he was an officer and I was enlisted. But we were going to go watch old movies. But†¦ but†¦ Discouraging Guidance I waited a week, and my period came. One thing to NOT worry about, I suppose. Then I called my mom, who had a house full of little kids still. I told her what happened - and thats when I finally cried. She was audibly upset and asked what would happen. I had no clue, I told her. I promised I would go back to the chaplain Monday and seek guidance. Monday, I visited the chaplain - and told him I wasnt pregnant. He seemed relieved and then asked what next. I told him, I think the man should be punished. Would he help me through that process? He squirmed and said that since I hadnt filed a police report immediately - that since Id showered immediately after the incident - it would be a difficult case. A case of he said, she said. I said I was angry and that what he did was wrong – and I wanted to pursue it. He made an appointment with my commanding officer, and I met with the man Tuesday, who spoke a lot of legalese to me and said hed get back to me. There was a woman secretary, a high ranking enlisted Navy woman, taking notes. I couldnt tell if she was sympathetic or not to my story, as she was absolutely stone-faced. Perhaps shed heard it all before. Didnt Want the Mess Wednesday after class I was walking to my bunk to unwind, grab a bite, and try to do homework when I saw a black Trans Am approaching me. It slowed to a crawl, I stopped, and then it raced past me, spewing pebbles and dust. Obviously, the driver was pissed at me, and I felt afraid. Someone must have said something to him. I spoke to my mom again that weekend. She was crying and told me to drop charges - that I would be the one on trial, that my father had spoken to an attorney and they decided that they didnt want the mess dragged through the local papers back home, that Id have to find a way to move on. I met with the commanding officer and made him an offer; if theyd let me go into photojournalism, as Id originally signed up for, Id not pursue anything against the doctor. Within 48 hours, I had new orders: a week medical leave at home, and then Id join the next military journalism program starting in Indianapolis at an Army base. I had made no real friends at the base, and other than my roommate who was kind and considerate during my time of stress, the few folks I knew from boot camp didnt know how to treat me. I was happy to leave. Where the Men Were in Charge Of course, then there were more problems at home. My dads attorney suggested that I talk to a shrink, as my dad said - a profession my father had very little use for. I went, and the mental health professional wrote up a report and sent to my former commanding officer, and one to my upcoming commanding officer, that I was immature and really wasnt a good candidate for a life in the military. I joined the journalism program, came in second in my class, made friends, maintained a long-distance pen-pal relationship with the boy back home, but started struggling as I got to my new duty station in North Carolina. Back in a world where the men were in charge, despite the obvious women of rank around, I started getting angry and upset and lonely. I refused to work one day, and the shrink back home - per my dads attorneys advice - sent along his report. A higher ranking woman suggested that it would be a rough few weeks, but if I wanted to get out, that boycotting work was one way to do it. Honorable Discharge I met with the bases commanding officer, who had all my files - my episode in Florida, my decision not to press charges, my letters from doctors back home, and my test scores. He expressed concern that I chose not to honor my contract with the Marines, but as a dad to young daughters, he wished me well. He asked me to promise him that I would go back to school, even part-time, and try to contribute something positive. I received an honorable discharge a year and a day after I started boot camp. To this day, I cant remember the Navy doctors name - or his face, thank God. Im thankful that one man, my final commanding officer, treated me with some respect. Homecoming My boyfriend, whod stuck by me when I was away, proposed as soon as I returned home, but then started acting uncomfortable in my presence, and as I assumed he started seeing other girls, we broke up. I went back to my job, making up excuses for why I was home so soon. My cousins got wind of my seeing a psychologist and just last year I had to correct one of them as they were joking that I couldnt handle the service so my dad had to get me out. I finally looked one in the eye and said, Do you know that I was raped by an officer when I was there? That shut them up, but Ive lost interest in family gatherings. (Of course, these are the cousins who are right-of-center pro-military, never having served themselves). Questions Without Answers Ive never written this down, ever. Id told the story - to the chaplain, to my CO and his secretary, to the psychologist back home, a version to my bunkmate. As I type this right now my temples are throbbing, and my face and ears are burning and red. Ive looked back over the years and asked myself, Why did I say Id go to the film festival with him? Ive questioned my posture, my wardrobe, my jokes, my drinks. Of course, Ive questioned my timidity at the exact moment I shouldve turned into she-woman or something. I was a 20-year-old, non-sexually active moron. I was cornered, I got trapped, by a bigger man with a tiny penis. The priest could only care about abortion. My mom could only care about the local papers (although, as a mom now myself, I can imagine the pain she personally went through, trying to keep her anxiety from my younger siblings - but shes decided now, after all these years, that I made it up just to get out of the service - and I cant convince her otherwise. Ive decided not to bring it up again). No Knives, No Fists...But Still Rape I read stories of women who may or may not have been in relationships that got out of hand in the military, and I sometimes read about the young woman, beaten or worse, as she was raped. Me? Just bear-hugged overpowered and bruised – no knives, no fists. But I cant shake the sudden stomach pains I have this moment - that, and the reddened face.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Buyer Utility Map Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Buyer Utility Map - Essay Example Wal-Mart has focused on improving the purchase experience by enabling its customers to get access to its products online. They can access product information at their comfort locations using mobile application. Moreover, customers can purchase from Wal-Mart stores online. It saves time and money for the customers. Delivery of commodities especially fresh farm produce services makes shopping simple and convenient. Customers will always consider the price of commodities and compare it with competing business irrespective of their economic status. The company intends to diversify customer convenience by increasing the number of retail branches and associates to enable customers purchase merchandise in their communities without incurring extra travelling expenditures. The price of its commodities is sensitive to people of all lifestyles and income levels. Through low-cost competitiveness, the company aims to remain the price leader to maintain its value-conscious

Friday, October 18, 2019

Prohibited and restricted imports on meat to EU Essay

Prohibited and restricted imports on meat to EU - Essay Example Top-notch advisors have been appointed by the EU to work on policy formulation pertaining to import of meat. Moreover, market researchers have also been assigned the task of understanding consumers’ preferences for meat coming from Non-EU countries. This is because, by understanding consumer preferences, the EU aims at developing infrastructure that would ensure delivery of similar quality and taste of meat to their nation, as do the meat coming from Non-EU countries (Phyper, Ducas and Baish 260). Under the Regulation 765/2008 of EU, the importers of meat from Non-EU state are required to adopt a placement strategy that protects the meat from viruses and disease, if any, in the ecological environment. Moreover, EU provides levies on duties and taxes, in order to ensure that the pricing strategy adopted by the meat importers does not influence the purchasing behavior of the consumers (Goldmann 86-89). The department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine is responsible to ensure t hat it dissects the true identity of the meat importers and their previous business record, just to ensure that there is no corruption or compromise on meat quality found in their business practices. If the department founds any discrepancy in the past record of meat importer or found bad quality product, it is empowered to cancel the license of the importer right away and prevent that the importer from placing the product in any market within the region (Thies 8-11). General marketing standards are also implied on the import of meat from Non-EU states, which requires an importer to conduct its marketing activities keeping in view the social and cultural differences. Moreover, the importer is also required to abide by the industry wide rules and regulations about ethical and healthy competition. If the importer (s) is found to be engaged in carrying out marketing activities that damages interest of competitors and other stakeholders, the EU has the power to cancel importer’s license without prior notice. Moreover, importers of the meat from Non-EU countries are also prohibited from form industrial curtail, just to ensure that synthetic increment in prices does not take place. The promotional campaigns of exported meat are required to be exhibiting health and safety standards that are kept in view, well before consumers purchase it. In addition, advertisements should also contain the approval seal of Department of Health and Safety of EU so that consumers may purchase it freely and without any concerns about its quality. The Department of Health and Safety carries out test of imported meat on time-to-time basis, just to ensure that quality and taste is not compromised at any stage (European Commission). In order to fulfill the legal requirements of importing meat from Non-EU states, the importers must meet following criteria: 1. The imported meat should contain the seal of conformity certificate issued by the Department of Health and Food Safety and Depa rtment of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. 2. The place where the product is going to be offered to the product should not be located near waste management centers and near rivers. This is because, these areas are the one where most of the diseases are born. 3. The price of the imported meat offered to consumers in EU is subjective to the Price Control Authority of EU, just to ensure t

Alternative Ways of Serving Arrest Warrants Assignment

Alternative Ways of Serving Arrest Warrants - Assignment Example Many occurrences have been witnessed where such attempts to serve people with the arrest warrants has ended up causing violence, harm and death to the officers serving the warrants or to the recipients themselves. When the officers go to serve the individuals concerned with such arrest warrants, the individuals may choose to lock the offices out of their residence, so that they do not receive the warrants. The individuals can also opt to harm the officers serving them with the warrants or even harm themselves to ensure they are not arrested. Non-reception of such arrest warrants would mean that the individuals do not appear in court to answer the charges against them. Currently, many instances where individuals have attempted to block the officers from serving them with arrest warrants have been reported. Therefore, there is a need to seek for alternative ways to serve the concerned people with such warrants of arrest. In light of the above, such alternatives such as serving the arre st warrants to people through messages to their phones and E-mails should be applied. This is helpful in ensuring that the officers serving the arrest warrants do not necessarily have to go to the residence of the individuals concerned. These alternatives can save time and cost, while alleviating the risks associated with presenting the warrants to the physical address. Worth noting, however, is the fact that the courts may not recognize such methods. This limits the alternatives open, leaving only the physical presentation of the warrant as the only practical method.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cruise Line Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cruise Line Industry - Essay Example Ted Arison served in World War II in the British Army in the 1940s. An Israeli immigrant, he started a business running cargo between Israel and New York. However, this venture failed due to competition. In the early 50s, he moved to the United States and worked as a cargo manager for the Israel’s national airline. He then started an air freight company called Trans Air System in the late 1960s. At the age of 42 he moved to Miami to run a small cruise ship between Florida and the Caribbean. The ship was impounded due to owner debt; Arison transferred the passengers onto a Norwegian Cruise Line. He was then convinced he needed to own the ships rather than work for others. (Funding Universe, 1999). Together with his former schoolmate, Meshulam Riklis, they formed Carnival Cruise as a subsidiary of AITS (American International Travel Service). (Funding Universe, 1999). â€Å"Our mission is to deliver exceptional vacation experiences through the world’s best-known cruise brands that cater to a variety of different lifestyles and budgets, all at an outstanding value unrivaled on land or at sea.† (Carnival Corporation, 2012). Carnival Cruise Line began in 1972 by using the old to bring in the new. Its founder, the late Ted Arison’s vision, to start with one refurbished ocean liner and just enough fuel to make a maiden voyage one way from Miami to San Juan, Puerto Rico. The first voyage did not go well, as the ship ran aground off the Florida coast. However, coupled with his enthusiasm and future vision, he began to build his American Dream through a partnership. Two years later in 1974 the small line was fighting to stay in business. Arison, determined to see his vision become reality, bought full ownership of the company for $1 and $5 million in debt. Being a very determined entrepreneur, Arison spend the largest portion of his life building the Carnival name into the most well

Sex Offenders' Registration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sex Offenders' Registration - Research Paper Example It is also a requirement that sex offenders from other states notify the Louisiana Bureau of Criminal Identification when they move to the state of Louisiana within three days. The sexual offenders have to report in person in order to register with the appropriate agencies. The state of Louisiana also has the Crime against Nature statute that covers sexual crimes. The law seeks to punish prostitution especially anal and oral sex by requiring those convicted of those offences to register as sexual offenders. Although, the Supreme of Court outlawed sodomy in 2003 and hence should have invalidated the Crimes against Nature law, the state of Louisiana still implements the part that punishes solicitation. Guidelines on Implementation of Sex Offender Registration A person who is convicted of a sexual offense against a minor has to register and maintain the registration for a period of twenty five years. A person with a previous conviction may be required to maintain a life time registratio n. A first time offender is required to maintain registration for close to 15 years. On the occurrence that such an individual maintains a clean record for ten consecutive years, the person may be exempted from further registration requirements. Maintaining a clean record encompasses not being convicted of any offence and successfully completing any supervised probation. The funding for the sexual offenders database comes from the taxpayers’ kitty. The federal government through the Sex Offender Registry Technology Fund allocates money to purchase a computer system to keep the records and also some monies to cater for personnel and logistics at the office of the attorney general. The implementation cost is several millions and the federal funds that are lost due to failure to implement the registration requirements is about two hundred thousand dollars. Also, a state may be cut-off from federal funding if it fails to implement the federal requirement to implement registration of sexual offenders. The guidelines for the information required during the registration are quite expansive depending on each state. In Louisiana State, it’s a stipulation that offenders give their details. The DNA samples, fingerprints and palm prints are taken by the appropriate agency. Details of telephone contacts are also recorded and even the online details such as email addresses and the names used in social sites. The social security number and travel documents’ details are recorded (Kayla, â€Å"What does court ruling mean for sex offenders?†). The agency charged with collecting this information is the State Bureau of Criminal Identification and information. Penalties for Non-Compliance to Sex Offender Registration Any person who fails to register or update registration is liable for an offence and may be fined an amount less than one thousand dollars or a jail term of between two to ten years. Providing false information knowingly to the enforcement agency also has a similar penalty. On second conviction for failure to comply with the provisions of the registration law, a person may be fined three thousand dollars or a jail term of between five to twenty years. A person who fails to notify the authorities when moving is also liable to prison term or a fine. It should be noted that the sexual offenders. Registration requirement is implemented across almost all the States in the United States therefore a person has legal obligation to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cruise Line Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cruise Line Industry - Essay Example Ted Arison served in World War II in the British Army in the 1940s. An Israeli immigrant, he started a business running cargo between Israel and New York. However, this venture failed due to competition. In the early 50s, he moved to the United States and worked as a cargo manager for the Israel’s national airline. He then started an air freight company called Trans Air System in the late 1960s. At the age of 42 he moved to Miami to run a small cruise ship between Florida and the Caribbean. The ship was impounded due to owner debt; Arison transferred the passengers onto a Norwegian Cruise Line. He was then convinced he needed to own the ships rather than work for others. (Funding Universe, 1999). Together with his former schoolmate, Meshulam Riklis, they formed Carnival Cruise as a subsidiary of AITS (American International Travel Service). (Funding Universe, 1999). â€Å"Our mission is to deliver exceptional vacation experiences through the world’s best-known cruise brands that cater to a variety of different lifestyles and budgets, all at an outstanding value unrivaled on land or at sea.† (Carnival Corporation, 2012). Carnival Cruise Line began in 1972 by using the old to bring in the new. Its founder, the late Ted Arison’s vision, to start with one refurbished ocean liner and just enough fuel to make a maiden voyage one way from Miami to San Juan, Puerto Rico. The first voyage did not go well, as the ship ran aground off the Florida coast. However, coupled with his enthusiasm and future vision, he began to build his American Dream through a partnership. Two years later in 1974 the small line was fighting to stay in business. Arison, determined to see his vision become reality, bought full ownership of the company for $1 and $5 million in debt. Being a very determined entrepreneur, Arison spend the largest portion of his life building the Carnival name into the most well

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Political System of Mexico and United States Research Paper - 1

The Political System of Mexico and United States - Research Paper Example This paper tells that over the years, Canada has adopted a different type of government in contrast to that of the United States. Since it gained independence from Great Britain, America has chosen the federal presidential form. Canada has long been federal parliamentary. Mexico, on the other hand, seems to base its government structure with America. The United Mexican States (commonly known as Mexico) has no royal families, unlike Canada. Mexico appears to have a very similar political system with the United States due to the following factors: (1) presidential system (2) three autonomous branches (executive, legislative and judiciary) with checks and balances (3) federalism with a good amount of local autonomy. Notably, despite their sameness in a political system, America and Mexico do not have the same economic status. Like Canada, the United States is one of the developed and industrialized countries of the world whereas Mexico belongs to the developing nations. In lieu of that fact, this research paper will explore the respective political system of Mexico and the United States. This will be followed by a brief analysis of their similarities. In the end, an assessment shall be provided on whether or not their similar political structure is the reason for their economic disparity. Rogelio Hernandez-Rodriguez described the Mexican government as authoritative and the most successful to maintain a system which is dominated by one party. The PRI or the Institutional Revolutionary Party has long been controlling Mexican politics. This political party has ruled Mexico for almost seventy-one years. Majority of the elected government officials of Mexico are affiliated with PRI. The authoritative nature of the Mexican government is attributed to this fact. Nevertheless, despite the hegemony of PRI, Mexico has been politically stable. The other political parties have done nothing bad for the government. It has been stressed that the country’s single party and presidential type of government are the major elements of its effective institutional structure.

The Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) Economic Systems Reformation Essay Example for Free

The Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) Economic Systems Reformation Essay In recent years, developing countries have been transformed from very low economic development to being among the highest ranked economically developed states. Examples include Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC). This economic growth has been realized due to the adoption of the market socialism structures from their earlier systems which were centrally planned. Besides, a consensus was arrived at that the countries ought to build democracy whose basis was the rule of law and private ownership. As a result, these countries have greatly benefited and continued to expand in their economies day in day out. Some of these key success factors in the adoption of the BRIC economic systems are highlighted as under. The adoption of market socialist structures have led to market freedom, consequently making transactions to be monetary, carried out in the market and being reasonably free. Besides, these countries have their inflation rates decreasing, measurably to single digits. This has also been facilitated by the large national output being attained from enterprises that are privately owned. Market socialism also saved the countries from the slumping output and the resources misallocations that the rent seekers, who were the rivals of the radical reformers, had caused. Additionally, the actions of the rent seekers aimed at amassing wealth to themselves by disorganizing the economy and subsidizing the credits which had adverse effects on the rates of inflation. A radical market system ensured macroeconomic stabilization, deregulation, new social safety formation and privatization. However, the successes achieved were remarkably diverse in each country resulting from the different choices of policies that these countries implemented. Additionally, these policies have been the determinants of the prevailing conditions in these countries. For instance, the Central European countries adopted privatization and normal market economies and this has seen the elimination of corruption in their economies. Besides, democracy is unimpeachable. Asian countries, the likes of China and Russia realized low rates of taxes, labor markets which were liberal and their social transfers were limited. The low taxes have hastened the growth rate of the economies of these countries to the current high levels. Additionally, the income taxes are low and flat while the corporate profit taxes are decreasing with time thus the labor markets have proliferated (Aslund, 2007). These factors were a replica in Latin America, specifically in Brazil. China had started her reforms in the agriculture sector that proved to be successful, although this sector was considered to be small in the Soviet economy. Due to market socialism, deregulation in prices was born and this fostered the growth of the country’s economy. Moreover, her macroeconomic stability still remained even after the hyperinflation that occurred in the Soviet Union. Due to this success in china, Russia sought to follow suit. Privatization is a precondition of both democracy and market economy and this has led to the virtual economic growth. The underlying relationship between privatization and economic growth is the ability of the private enterprises to perform better than their public counterparts. These countries, by privatizing their enterprises, saved both human and physical capital from irreversible destruction. To add on, market socialism propelled the achievement of macroeconomic policies that are sound, reforms in the market structures, commodity boom and reductions in the public expenditures in all members of the BRIC. Researches by economists have greatly been attracted in these countries, especially China, India and Russia on these countries impact on the global economy and also the factors that led to the realization of this success. In China, market socialism led to the investment of capital on a large scale basis which is financed by not only the domestic savings that are huge but also by the foreign investors. Through the Special Economic Zones (SEZ) and the Township and Village Enterprises (TVEs), household savings were expanded (Jonathan, 2010). This shift greatly promoted exports, made measurable increment in the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and fostered the development of infrastructural facilities. In the case of India, improvement in the productivity of labor was held liable for the economic growth. The registration of the manufacturing companies and privatization brought about positive economic effects. Russia, on the other hand, benefited from the increased international oil prices and the appropriate levels in the exchange rates thus earning high profits from her exports. Brazil, like Russia, benefited from her exports. Socialist’s efforts in Brazil enabled the realization of public policies that led to creation of more jobs and stronger governance (Shikida, 2005). Although the economic successes in these countries seem to be arising from the adoption of similar market strategies, some divergences are notable. In both India and China, areas with the greatest growth are mainly located in the coastal regions as compared to their landlocked backward regions in the rural areas. In Russia, hydrocarbons are identified as the cause of the divergence and these are mainly concentrated in West Siberia. In addition, all countries adopted the liberalization strategy at different timings. China first went through a period of pro-market liberalization and reformed through the pro-business approach. India started with privatization and later indulged in international trade while Russia underwent the big bang reforms; characterized with simultaneous economy opening and privatization (Alessandrini Bucellato, 2008). Russia later simplifies its tax systems, reconstructed the legal, health and pension systems, regulated her natural monopolies and made the land resources tradable. References Aslund, A. (2007). How Capitalism was Built: The transformation of Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Alessandrini, M. Bucellato, T. (2008). China, India and Russia: Economic Reforms, Structural Change and Regional Disparities. London: Oxford Press Jonathan (2010). China and the Global Business System. Retrieved on 17 August 2010 from http://www. vub. ac. be/biccs/site/assets/files/apapers/20100202%20-%20Story. pdf Shikida, C. (2005). Brazil from Import Substitution to the 21st Century. What is left to do? Retrieved on 17 August 2010 from http://www. ceaee. ibmecmg. br/wp/wp30. pdf

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Manual Transmission System

The Manual Transmission System In this report, I am going to compare and contrast the difference between Toyota 5 speed manual gearbox transmission and Toyota 5 speed automatic transmission system. 2. History of the transmission In 1894 Louis-Rene Panhard and Emile Levassor invented the modern transmission. Today we still use the same concept since it was introduced. The concept is still the same that the crankshaft connects from the engine to the transmission shaft through clutch. The latter is mounted to gears which control and operate the transmission of the motion that is coming from the engine to the wheels. Few experiments have been done about type and numbers of gears but still until today the same concept is applied. To make it easier for the driver to control speed and with help of gears, synchromesh gears and a live rear axle were invented. Instead of having gears engage and disengage again from each other, a car transmission that had gears and continuous with each other was introduced, all the gears were moving and the dog clutch was designed in order to connect the gears that are caused to rotate by engine and move the wheels forward. Different gears with different sizes are designed to increase or decrease the momentum of the vehicle. The most popular transmissions were 4 speed transmissions which its top gear (4th) had a ratio of 1:1 while other gears had lower ratios. Then, engineers came with a 5th gear in which will increase the ratio by 1 between the engine rpm and the wheel rpm that is known as overdrive. American inventors Harold Sinclair and Richard Spikes designed automatic transmission while German inventors invented the automatic transmission rudimentary design. While General Motors provided automatic transmission in all of their cars that were manufactured from 1938 and by the end of 1940s most of the car manufactures offered at least one transmission in their models. Electric cars also fitted with electric car transmission. Now the market for automatic transmission is huge and most cars are manufactured with it (Car transmission, 2006) 3. Automatic transmission system This is the type of transmission that is capable of changing the gear ratios automatically while the vehicle is moving without the need of the driver to manually change the gear using the gear stick. The main purpose of the transmission is to provide the following outcome: Neutral to keep the engine running without the gear, or moving the vehicle. Lower gears for taking off purpose and for operating in heavier situation. Higher gears for cruising, higher speed and lighter weight Reverse gear to move the vehicle backwards. Transferring the driving torque to the required wheels (Crolla, D, 2009, p, 109) The automatic transmission comes into two different types. The front wheel drives vehicles that are designed more compact than rear wheel drive vehicles transmissions that are normally connected in the engine compartment in which they are known as transaxle. Both of these types of transmission do the same job and same design of the planetary gear train. The essential part for the front wheel drive transmission is differential, while the rear wheel drive transmission has externally mounted differential which is uses the drive shaft to link up with the transmission. The automatic transmission system contains few major components. These are: Planetary gear unit Torque converter Hydraulic control unit Seals and gasket Computer Governor/ modulator The above six components perform various duties in transmission as explained below (Toyota technical training). Planetary gear unit: The purpose of planetary gear unit is to provide and changing different gear ratios. Generally, the planetary gear unit contains three major parts. These are ring gear, inner gear (sun gear) and planetary carrier that carries three or four gears which are between the inner gear and outer ring gear. Planetary gear unit When one part of the planetary gear connects to the input shaft which leads to the engine, the second part is held still and the third part usually attached to the output shaft. It all depends on which part stays still, which one is the input or output because it will result in different gear ratios. Things such as brake bands, hydraulic clutch packs and one way clutches are used in the planetary gear to control the power flow. Every gear links up to a combination of clutch packs and bake bands being engaged or disengaged ( Torque converter Is a fluid type coupling, that lets the engine to rotate freely without the help from the transmission, if the engine is running slowly, idling or on the stop traffic, there is a small amount of torque that is passed via torque converter, less pressure is also required on the brake pedal to keep the car stationary. Also when you put more pressure on the gas pedal, it speeds up and adds more fluid into the torque converter which causes the wheels to receive more torque. The torque converter housing contains five major components. Pump is fixed to housing, turbine that is connected through output shaft to transmission, stator has output that is connected to fixed shaft in transmission, fluid and converter clutch. This housing is attached to the engines flywheel and rotates and at any speed that the engine is spinning. The torque converter also has pumps that is made up of fins and are attached to the housing that uses the same speed as engine to turn. Centrifugal type pump is used inside the torque converter, as it rotates it causes the fluid to be thrown outside and this action creates the vacuum that draws a lot of fluid in at the centre. Once the fluid arrives in the blades of the turbine, the transmission begins to rotate and this causes the car to move, the turbines blades are curved and this makes the fluid that is coming from the outside to go into different way before it goes to the centre of the turbine, this changing of direction is the one that causes the turbine to spin. In other way we can put that both turbine and the fluid spin in different direction and this creates the force as an outcome. This fluid that exists from the turbine is usually moving into different direction as the pump and engine turn, because if the fluid hits the pump directly, it may cause the engine to waste power or slow it down and that is why there is a stator in the torque converter (Builders transmission and used car Inc.). Hydraulic control unit: A transmission fluid is sent using the engine oil pump that controls the performance of the car clutches that helps the planetary gear sets to work smoothly. Seals and gasket Their work is to support and maintain the right place of the engine oil and stop it from leaking outside. Governor / Modulator This controls and monitors throttle position and the speed of the car to determine when to change the gears. Computer This is the major unit that uses sensors to control all the activities such as engine speed, engine load, throttle position, brake pedal position etc. (Carazoo, 2010) 4. Materials The materials that are used to build clutch or transmission have to resist heat, friction, durable, strong, hard and tough. These materials are organic, Kevlar, segmented Kevlar, hybrid carbon, ceramic and sintered iron (UUC Motorwerks, 2003) 5. Advantages of automatic transmission system The torque converter gives more engine torques and reduces the strain and the shock of the entire drive line. A lock up clutch is included in the latest automatic transmission, this helps in maximizing the fuel economy because of its direct mechanical linkage from the engine to the transmission. A vehicle with automatic transmission is very comfortable and easy to drive as the driver does not need to manually change the gear ratios. Automatic transmission can also be powerful and strong because of the arrangement of the sun gear and ring gear, this increase the gears contacts that reduces the gears breakage and supplies more torque on big area (Rowe, R. 2010) 6. Disadvantages of automatic transmission Since the automatic transmission is made up of several components, the main setback can occur when single part breaks down working and this can cause a transmission to stop working, as a result maintaining or fixing it can be very expensive. Also the total speed of the vehicle is controlled by the computer that manages the transmission, and the driver can lose the acceleration beyond a certain speed. Automatic transmission can overheat easily. 7. Manual transmission system This is the type of transmission in which the driver has to manually change the gear ratio setting by using the gear stick inside the car. There are two types of manual transmissions. The constant mesh design and the sliding gear type. The sliding-gear type, no part is turning inside the transmission case except the main drive gear and cluster gear when the transmission is in neutral. In order to mesh the gears and apply engine power to move the vehicle, the driver pushes the clutch pedal and moves the shift knob, which shifts a linkage and forks to slide a gear along the main shaft that is connected straight above the cluster. Once the gears are meshed, the clutch pedal is released and the power from the engine is sent to the drive wheels. There can be different gears on the main shaft of different diameters and tooth counts, and the transmission shift linkage is designed so the driver has to unmesh one gear before being able to mesh another. With these older transmissions, gear clash is a problem because the gears are all rotating at different speed (Cook, M. 2009) The 5 speed manual transmission gear box has a three plane arrangement order with reverse gear alongside fifth gear and uses a special fluid to operate. Moving forks are attached to three wide base rails that work in arranged bushing for less friction, these moving levers are connected together to the shifting cables. Every one of them uses different way with selected lever and this creates less shifting efforts for a driver, it also avoids to accidentally engaging the reverse gear from fifth because of the way it is designed to operate, it shifts the crossover lever into three to four gear without jamming or binding. The shift knob is usually used to control the gear ratios. The forward gear ratios are synchronized using great capacity dual cone brass (1st and 2nd) and other gears are synchronized with paper friction materials which is more strong and clash resistant than brass. The input shaft uses paper materials synchronizers, by cutting rotating inertia it helps to reduce the shifting effort. A reverse engagement clash can be minimised by using a brake mechanism. The needle roller bearings are fixed to reduce friction and extend gear life. The case itself is cast in only two pieces to reduce leak paths; structural ribs strengthen and harden the case to reduce noise and vibration with small or no extra weight. The case has good bending stiffness, offering a natural frequency above the exciting frequency of the engine at peak rpm (Massey, K. 2010) 8. Clutch system A manual transmission system will not function without a clutch. This is the mechanism that is used for transmitting rotation that can be engaged and disengaged. This is controlled by the driver who uses a special release mechanism to control the movement of the torque between them. The clutch assembly A single disc clutch assembly contains four major parts: the rear face of the flywheel- a driving member the clutch disc- the driven member the pressure plate assembly-a driving member the release mechanism-disengages and engages the clutch (May, E. 2004. p,250) 8.1 Types of clutches Multidisc clutch that contain two or more disc are usually used in automatic transmission, motor cycles and heavy mechanical equipment. While the manual transmission is operated using a dry clutch and there is no lubrication between surfaces. The automatic transmission clutch operates wet, it is enclosed in the transmission case that is full of lubrication fluid. Generally, in automatic transmission there is no clutch pedal and a gear shift (Roymech, 2010) (Genta Morello, 2009 p, 425) There are so many different types of clutches such as cone clutches, wet clutches and dry clutches but the common one uses one or more friction discs that are pushed very tight together or against the fly wheel using a spring. A Clutch contains two rotating shafts, one is operated using pulley and the other one uses a different method, these two shafts are connected together by the clutch so that they can be locked together and rotating at the same time while it engages, or be decoupled and rotate at different speed while it disengages. The input shaft is used at the centre of the pressure to engage the splines of the friction disc hub. The clutch and flywheel assembly spinning as one unit when the engine is rotating. The flywheel is receiving the torque from the engine, uses the friction that is occurring from the clutch discs to the spline hub into the transmission. When the clutch pedal is moved, it manages and controls the movement of the torque between two units. The pressure pl ate can be retracted against the springs force and frees the disc from its clamping action by depressing the pedal. These two units and clamping force can be connected again by releasing the pedal once again. This is a very important mechanism when: Engaging the transmission into gear, the input shaft from the transmission must be disengaged from the engine. The pedal is released slowly, it provides a gradual engagement of the drive, as the facings slips of the friction slip, and this lets the torque to be applied continuously until these two units are connected very tightly. Choosing different ratio, changing gears when the vehicle is moving, for this to happen, the engine torque from the transmission must be interrupted. The disengaged of the transmission that causes the vehicle to stop and let the engine run at idling speed. The co-efficient of friction between the friction facings and their mating surfaces, the total spring force and the amount of facings in contact can decide the torque that is transferred by the clutch. If you want to increase the torque capacity, the diameter of the clutch needs to be increased and this will cause the spring force to increase. Multi plate clutch can be made by having two or more clutch plates as well as increasing the number of facings and torque capacity. They are useful where by reducing the diameter is beneficial or where by increasing the spring strength is undesirable. (CDX online eTextbook). 9. Advantages of manual transmission system The manual transmission vehicles are usually cheaper and good in maintenance compare to the automatic ones, this is because changing of the fluid can be very less, also when it breaks down it is more than likely that the clutch needs to be replaced and this can save you a lot from buying a new or second hand transmission. It gives better control because of the faster shift response, this is mainly due to the bad weather. They can as well be good in braking because the driver is not fighting the effort of the automatic transmission to move forward. It can be good is terms of fuel economy because you can shift the gear into neutral and avoiding driving in lower gears. A skilled driver at shifting gears will have a better traction in snowy, muddy or slippery conditions and might as well be easier to get of the dangerous situation than automatic one. Manual transmission is also lighter in weight. And there is a fun point of view in driving manual because it keeps you active and keeps you aware of what is going on around you (Moore, S. 2010) 10. Disadvantages of manual transmission system Driving manual car in traffic can be very pain full especially when there is a stop start driving, automatic cars are more comfortable in this case. It is very unlikely to find a manual transmission car with a cruise control. Most car now are built in automatic transmission so there is less availability of cars with manual transmission as well as the difficulties in learning how to drive manual transmission cars. 11. Report Summary This has been a successful report and I have researched a lot of information about this topic. Indeed I have acquired a lot transmission system. Here are some few pointed aligned below: History of the transmission What is automatic transmission system Major components of the automatic transmission and how they work Advantages and disadvantages of automatic transmission system What is manual transmission system Clutch assembly and clutch components and how they work Advantages and disadvantages of manual transmission system 12. Conclusions According to my understanding in the report, it shows the main difference between automatic transmission and manual transmission is that automatic transmission uses torque converter to create power while manual transmission uses clutch to engage and disengage the gears. Also automatic cars are in very high demanding since most of the components are controlled by computers now in the car. It also shows that once the automatic transmission breaks it can be very hard and complicated to fix it and this may end up in replacing the whole transmission. In terms of manual gear box, the report shows they are very hard to break or die as well as less maintenance too, this is one of the best things in manual transmission because it can last for long time without anything happen. From my point of view I would always recommend to go for manual car if you enjoy the gear changing ration as I do.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

William Goldings Lord of the Flies :: Essays Papers

Lord of the Flies In the book â€Å"The Lord of the Flies† the author uses the conch as a symbol of unity. At the beginning of the story the conch was spotted by a boy named Ralph who did not know what it was, but the other boy named Piggy sed that it was called a conch. Piggy had an idea to blow it to get other people on the island to come to them. After Ralph retrieved the conch from the lagoon Piggy showed Ralph how to blow it. His first couple of tries were weak, then he bellowed into it. The conch made a deep, harsh noise . After a few blows boys started to come out out of the jungle . The conch is what first united the stranded boys together. The author also used the conch as a sign of power, because after the boys were together they decided that they needed a chief so they chose Ralph because he used the conch to call the others to them. Ralph also used the power of the conch to quiet the boys . When he wanted their attention and for them to be quiet he would hold up the conch and wait for them to be quiet and pay attention. He also used it to call the boys back to camp. At the beginning the boys went out to look for waterbut by the time they found some Ralph had blew on the conch to call them back to camp. The conch was used by Ralph to call the boys to a meeting. During the meetings a person could only speak if they raise their hand and hold up the conch . At the meeting to discuss the fire Ralph blew on the conch to call them to the meeting . After everyone was seated Ralph lifted the conch for them to be silent then he began to explain that they were on an uninhabited island with no grownups so they would have to look after themselves . That’s when Ralph made the rules about the conch at the meetings. He tried to boost there moral by making the island sound fun. In the book when Ralph notices that the conch has been paretically bleached by the sun and had become a creamy-pink color.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Desire Under The Elms Essay examples -- essays research papers

â€Å"Desire Under the Elms†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In â€Å"Desire Under the Elms†, by Eugene O’Neill, many uses of both biblical and mythological allusions can be seen. These allusions help add depth to the plot of the play by linking the play to other similar, well-known stories. Three of the best allusions are seen in Cabot’s talk about how God is a strong god, his talk about God being in the stones, and his telling Eben that he is blind as a mole.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cabot’s talk about God being a strong god is important to the story. He tells about how hard he had to work to make the farm a good place to live. â€Å"When yew kin make corn sprout out o’ stones, God’s livin’ in yew.† This quote is an allusion to how if you work hard and believe in God you can do whatever you want. The quote is important to the story because it helps develop the character of Cabot and it tells the reader what kind of man Cabot is. It shows that he is strong, tough, and has a strong belief in God.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another important allusion can be seen when in the same part of the story as the previous one. Now, he is talking about how the farm is his and how he worked so hard to make it what it is. He then gives an allusion to the story of Peter building his church on the rock in the Bible. He says â€Å"God’s hard, not easy! God’s in the stones! Build my church on a rock – out o’ stones an’ I’ll be in them! That’s what he meant t’ Peter.† This quote refers to Peter’s story in ...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Has OPEC been a Successful Cartel? Essay

A cartel is an organisation of producers grouped together for their own benefit. The most well known cartel in existence today is OPEC, Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Its members are some (but not all) of the most important oil producing countries including Saudi Arabia and Mexico. Most cartels try to raise prices at the expense of consumers. The aim of this essay is to determine whether OPEC has been a successful cartel, this will mean I have to examine the strengths and weaknesses of OPEC which have been present throughout their existence of supplying oil. This should allow me to make an appropriate judgement on whether OPEC has been a successful Cartel. The brief history of oil prices show that oil was cheap in the 1950s and 60s. This was due to supply growing faster than demand. The early 1970’s saw a reversal of this trend, as demand increased faster than supply. This was mainly due to the world economy booming. Source: adapted from BP statistical review In November 1973, politics in the Middle East was to have a great effect on oil prices. With an existing tight market, the result was am explosion in the price of oil. The war was soon over but its economic downturn effect was not lost on OPEC. OPEC, whose members at the time supplied over 60% of world demand for oil, organised a system of quotas amongst themselves, fixing limits on how much each member could produce. By slightly cutting back on pre-1973 production levels, they were able to increase the average price of oil to around $13 (as shown in the table above). Price S2 As this demand and supply diagram S1 shows, as Supply decreases from S1 to S2, Price increases from P1 to P2. This P2 explains how OPEC managed to increase average prices of oil to $13 by cutting P1 back on supply. D Quantity QD2 QD1 However, this graph also shows that Quantity demanded for oil would also decrease. This would mean OPEC may well not be better of in terms of revenue as price increases and quantity demanded decreases (Price * Quantity =Revenue). However there was a fundamental reason why OPEC could successfully pioneer this massive price rise, this was mainly due to the fact that the demand for oil was inelastic in the short run. Price inelasticity assumes that demand is not heavily affected by a change in price. The reason behind oil being an inelastic product was due to the fact that oil consumers had invested heavily in capital equipment such as oil-fired heating systems and petrol driven cars. In the short term there were no cheap alternative substitutes. As a result OPEC would receive a higher revenue by increasing prices; hence higher profits. This could be considered a strength of OPEC as a cartel. However, in the longer term consumers are able to replace oil-powered equipment (substitutes). This would increase the elasticity of oil, hence an increase in price would have a more responsive effect on the amount demanded. As a consequence, when the demand for oil began to grow again in 1976,it was a slower rate than in the early 70s. In 1978, Iran and Iraq went to war. Iran was a major oil producer, and the  subsequent war severely disrupted supplies from these two countries. OPEC used this opportunity to tighten supply again. As a result rose again from $13 a barrel in 1978 to $36 a barrel in 1980. Total world demand fell once again. This gives an indication of OPEC being affected by external influences such as strains among their member countries. August 1990 saw another blow to OPEC’s strangle hold over the success of producing oil in a profitable manner. Political events in the Middle East saw Iraq invade Kuwait, as a result oil sanctions were applied to the output of both countries by oil consuming countries. Other oil producing countries feared of a major shortage in supply as prices rose from $18 to $40 a barrel; as a result other non-OPEC countries reacted by increasing production in oil. Prices fell back as overall supply returned to normal. Since the successful counter by the US to retake Kuwait, the price of oil has seen a steady drift downwards in price. This has also led to OPEC losing out due to more countries increasing production in oil; causing an increase in competition. Restricting competition is not necessarily easy. There are three potential problems that OPEC has to overcome due to it being a cartel. These are explained below: An agreement has to be reached The larger the number of firms, the greater the possibility that at least one key firm participant will refuse to collude. In the case of OPEC, this may well be difficult due to political disagreement that has regularly occurred during OPEC’s history. Cheating has to be prevented Once an agreement is made and profitability in the industry is raised, it would pay an individual firm to cheat so long as no other firms do the same. In the case of OPEC, with the increase in non-OPEC supply has led to strains among OPEC members. This has led to an increased incentive to  cheat(mentioned further on in the essay). Potential competition must be restricted Abnormal profits will encourage not only existing firms in the industry to expand output but also new firms to enter the industry. Firms already in the industries that don’t join the cartel may be happy to follow the policies of the cartel in order to earn abnormal profits themselves. However, in the case of OPEC, it would be hard for another competing country to do this as oil is a scarce resource and also OPEC already has the majority of the market within their own organisation. There are a number of reasons why OPEC has been one of the few international cartels that have survived over a long period of time, this is due to the following: No need for any buffer stocks or large amounts of financial capital If OPEC wishes to reduce supply. Member countries simply produce less and leave their oil in the ground. There are a relatively small number of members of OPEC Member countries are able to exert a high degree of control over the volume of oil lifted within their own countries. Oil production is not particularly affected by variations in weather Hence supply need not fluctuate widely and randomly from year to year as it does in many agricultural markets. OPEC countries supply a significant proportion of total world output. Because non-OPEC producers tend to produce at maximum capacity, countries such as USA and the UK are unable to exert downward pressure on oil prices  even if they wanted to. In real terms, oil prices today are little different from those at the start of the 70’s. OPEC countries increased their revenues substantially in the mid-1970s and again in 1979-80 but these were short-lived gains. OPEC suffers from three fundamental weaknesses: 1) Large increases in oil prices in the 1970s led to stagnant demand for until the mid 1980s. Consumers substituted other types of energy for oil, there was a shift towards much greater energy conservation. 2) Large increases in oil prices led to a large increase in supply from non-OPEC countries. The increase in supply has depressed world prices since the start of the 1980s. Hence, OPEC receiving a lower turnover as a result. 3) The increase in non-OPEC supply has led to strains amongst OPEC members. In any cartel there is an incentive to cheat. However, if countries cheat, then the price will fall rapidly. This occurred in the mid-1980s, when many OPEC countries exceeded their quotas, driving down the prices of oil. Which again would have an adverse effect upon profits made by OPEC countries. To conclude, I believe that OPEC has suffered many problems associated with being a cartel. As a result I believe OPEC will not continue to be a successful cartel due to individual countries ‘cheating’ in order to gain extra profits (as mentioned previously). There is also the effect of OPEC being able to maintain high levels of profit only on a short term basis, until free market forces take effect and these profits once again return to normal. It must also be mentioned that the increase in supply from non-OPEC members has also created a downward pressure effect upon prices, therefore decreasing OPEC’s control on prices. Hence, profit margins being damaged. The future for OPEC may well see more adverse effects occurring. As the problem of oil being a scarce resource becomes present, free market sources will look towards a substitute for oil. This may well see the demand for oil decreasing in the long term. Once again this will lead to OPEC losing its  competitiveness as a cartel.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Private University of Bd

Private Universities of Bangladesh: a Curse or a Blessing for the economy INTRODUCTION: Education is the basic need for socio-economic transformation and advancement of a country. It is the prime ingredient of human resource development. With over 143 million people, Bangladesh is the eighth largest in the world in population. It is also one of the most densely populated countries and endowed with limited natural resources.The total size of the student population in Bangladesh is around 29 million which is about 20% of the total population (143 million). (http://www. ukti. gov. uk/export/countries/asiapacific/southasia/bangladesh/sectorbriefing/356900. html)Highest allocations for education in the national budgets during the nineties (90’s) show that the government has attached topmost priority to human resource development though education. The goal of ‘Education for All' is being vigorously pursued in the country. (http://www. iscoverybangladesh. com/meetbangladesh/edu cation. html) A recent addition to the higher education system in Bangladesh is the emergence of the private universities. Although private universities existed in other countries for long, the first private university in Bangladesh did not make its appearance till 1992. A law titled ‘Private University Act of Bangladesh’ was passed in the National Parliament in 1992 and the first private university of the country, the North South University, started functioning in the same year.Today the country has 56 such private universities where approximately 1, 24,267 students pursue their studies in subjects ranging from business to fashion design and media studies. (http://www. belcampus. org/higher-education-in-the-21st-century-bangladesh. html) Objectives: http://www. international. ac. uk/resources/ROLE%20OF%20PRIVATE%20UNIVERSITIES%20IN%20HUMAN%20RESOURCE%20Development%20in%20Bangladesh. pdf

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Fashion Assignment - Armani Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fashion Assignment - Armani - Essay Example The essay "Fashion Assignment - Armani" concerns Giorgio Armani's fashion. To best understand the brand design architecture of Giorgio Armani, we fist need to create an understanding of the environment in which it operates. Armani has diversified into many brand facets, adding more levels to its brands pyramid, with the original Giorgio Armani still at the apex. This shows the pride which it wishes to create for its parent brand, while forwarding its legacy down to the following brands. The setting up of standards is very crucial for Armani, as whenever, a new brand is launched, it is overseen to be aligned with the set standards of the parent brand itself. Giorgio Armani (at the top of the grid) is a very successful and elite corporate brand with a sole proprietorship; being the first in line showcasing the exquisite collection of couture gowns and suits to match the new fashion trends, targeting the segment of the elite class groups between the age of 35 – 50 with a high ran ge of prices and superior quality. While targeting the elite class, the line of Armani brands has made sure to target the upper middle class as well. The Armani Collizioni, caters to the segment of customers who love Armani as a brand but cannot afford the originally luxurious Armani and so Collizioni incorporates lower prices than that of its parent brand with a little simpler designs in order to sell to this segment of population. Similarly, Armani exchange caters to a very different and casual market grouping with realistic prices., unlike their couture lines. It is for the general public to take pride in wearing Armani and to create an association with the parent brand. Armani exchange is the most affordable and accessible brand in the Armani chain of stores. To be noted here, is Armani’s way of targeting each and every segment in the market while also not decreasing the perceived value and luxurious image of the brand. Each and every segment is targeted with a new name a long with the originally created legacy of its parent Brand (Magnoni & Roux, 2011). Going totally diverse from its initial offerings, Armani features a furniture line named as Armani Casa which entails the alluring Armani pride while offering high-end home decor; magnificently designed furniture, lamps, linens and fine dining essentials. In contrast to its other brands, Casa has only 40 stores worldwide which shows their lack of focus towards their range of furnishings. However, to make its furniture line more exclusive, all Armani hotels and Cafe’s are furnished with its own brand Casa (, 2012). Armani emphasizes greatly on its logo and towards creating its brand image, this is exceptionally evident through its efforts of framing the brand luxury and stressing on the brand name in all its sub brands. For clothing Armani has made sure to cover all market segments with naming its stores differently, however, the parent brand still has been associated with the new store names (Tungate, 2008). Brand Architecture The brand architecture of Armani communicates its marketing philosophy. The way Armani caters to all market segments is by highlighting the uniqueness of the brand itself and through appealing to different population segments based on their personalities (Magnoni &