Monday, December 30, 2019

Hydrogen Facts - H or Atomic Number 1

Hydrogen is the chemical element with the element symbol H and atomic number 1. Its essential for all life and abundant in the universe, so its one element you should get to know better. Here are basic facts about the first element in the periodic table, hydrogen. Fast Facts: Hydrogen Element Name: HydrogenElement Symbol: HAtomic Number: 1Group: Group 1Classification: NonmetalBlock: s-blockElectron Configuration: 1s1Phase at STP: GasMelting Point: 13.99 K ​(−259.16  °C, ​−434.49  °F)Boiling Point: 20.271 K ​(−252.879  °C, ​−423.182  °F)Density at STP: 0.08988  g/LOxidation States: -1, 1Electronegativity (Pauling Scale): 2.20Crystal Structure: HexagonalMagnetic Ordering: DiamagneticDiscovery: Henry Cavendish (1766)Named By: Antoine Lavoisier (1783) Atomic Number: 1 Hydrogen is the first element in the periodic table, meaning it has an atomic number of 1 or 1 proton in each hydrogen atom. The name of the element comes from the Greek words  hydro  for water and  genes  for forming, since hydrogen bonds with oxygen to form water (H2O). Robert Boyle produced hydrogen gas in 1671 during an experiment with iron and acid, but hydrogen wasnt recognized as an element until 1766 by Henry Cavendish. Atomic Weight: 1.00794 This makes hydrogen the lightest element. It is so light, the pure element isnt bound by Earths gravity. So, there is very little hydrogen gas left in the atmosphere. Massive planets, such as Jupiter, consist mainly of hydrogen, much like the Sun and stars. Even though hydrogen, as a pure element, bonds to itself to form H2, its still lighter than a single atom of helium because most hydrogen atoms dont have any neutrons. In fact, two hydrogen atoms (1.008 atomic mass units per atom) are less than half the mass of one helium atom (atomic mass 4.003). Hydrogen Facts Hydrogen is the most abundant element. About 90% of the atoms and 75% of the element mass of the universe is hydrogen, usually in the atomic state or as plasma. Although hydrogen is the most abundant element in the human body in terms of numbers of atoms of the element, its only 3rd in abundance by mass, after oxygen and carbon, because hydrogen is so light. Hydrogen exists as a pure element on Earth as a diatomic gas, H2, but its rare in Earths atmosphere because it is light enough to escape gravity and bleed into space. The element remains common at the Earths surface, where it is bound into water and hydrocarbons to be the third most abundant element.There are three natural isotopes of hydrogen: protium, deuterium, and tritium. The most common isotope of hydrogen is protium, which has 1 proton, 0 neutrons, and 1 electron. This makes hydrogen the only element that can have atoms without any neutrons! Deuterium has 1 proton, 1 neutron, and 1 electron. Although this isotope is heavie r than protium, deuterium is not radioactive. However, tritium does emit radiation. Tritium is the isotope with 1 proton, 2 neutrons, and 1 electron.Hydrogen gas is extremely flammable. It is used as a fuel by the space shuttle main engine and was associated with the famous explosion of the Hindenburg airship. While many people consider oxygen to be flammable, it actually doesnt burn. However, its an oxidizer, which is why hydrogen is so explosive in air or with oxygen.Hydrogen compounds commonly are called hydrides.Hydrogen may be produced by reacting metals with acids (e.g., zinc with hydrochloric acid).The physical form of hydrogen at room temperature and pressure is a colorless and odorless gas. The gas and liquid are nonmetals, but when hydrogen is compressed into a solid, the element is an alkali metal. Solid crystalline metallic hydrogen has the lowest density of any crystalline solid.Hydrogen has many uses, though most hydrogen is used for processing fossil fuels and in the production of ammonia. It is gaining importance as an alternate fuel that produces energy by combustion, similar to what happens in fossil fuel engines. Hydrogen is also used in fuel cells that react hydrogen and oxygen to produce water and electricity.In compounds, hydrogen can take a negative charge (H-) or a positive charge (H).Hydrogen is the only atom  for which the Schrà ¶dinger equation has an exact solution. Sources Emsley, John (2001). Natures Building Blocks. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 183–191. ISBN 978-0-19-850341-5.Hydrogen. Van Nostrands Encyclopedia of Chemistry. Wylie-Interscience. 2005. pp. 797–799. ISBN 978-0-471-61525-5.Stwertka, Albert (1996). A Guide to the Elements. Oxford University Press. pp. 16–21. ISBN 978-0-19-508083-4.Weast, Robert (1984). CRC, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Boca Raton, Florida: Chemical Rubber Company Publishing. ISBN 978-0-8493-0464-4.Wiberg, Egon; Wiberg, Nils; Holleman, Arnold Frederick (2001). Inorganic chemistry. Academic Press. p. 240. ISBN 978-0123526519.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Application Of A Plagiarism Declaration - 2135 Words

1 4 6 7 6 8 Student Registration Number Coursework Form This form should be completed for each piece of coursework submitted. It is designed to aid the process of anonymous marking, the identification of work once marking is complete, and for you to make a plagiarism declaration. Please ensure that you fill in all parts of the form. Please note that you should hand work in by the prescribed method only. Plagiarism Declaration By completing and signing this form you are making the declaration below: †¢ The work I have submitted, in accordance with University College Regulations, is all my own work and contains no plagiarism from books, articles, the internet or anyone else’s work. †¢ Where I have quoted the words of another person, I have surrounded the quotation with quotation marks and have referred to the source within the text or by footnotes. †¢ Where I have taken ideas more generally from other people (by using secondary sources or by reading books, journals or articles but not specifically referring to them in the text), I have acknowledged such use by making a named reference to the author in the coursework. †¢ I have included a full bibliography and/or reference list as required. I B P 7 0 0 2 Module Code Module Title: Organisational Behaviour Leadership Academic Tutor: Dr. Shova Thapa Karki Module Convener: Dr D Twigg Submission Type (Delete One): Individual Word Count (if applicable): 3217 Page Count: 12 Contents: SrShow MoreRelatedApplication Of A Plagiarism Declaration4136 Words   |  17 Pagesidentification of work once marking is complete, and for you to make a plagiarism declaration. Please ensure that you fill in all parts of the form. Please note that you should hand work in by the prescribed method only. Plagiarism Declaration By completing and signing this form you are making the declaration below: †¢ The work I have submitted, in accordance with University College Regulations, is all my own work and contains no plagiarism from books, articles, the internet or anyone else’s work. †¢ WhereRead MoreSample Resume : Campus Enrolment1174 Words   |  5 PagesProfessional Practice 300053 Tutorial group: Tutorial day and time: Lecturer/Tutor: Dr. Ragbir Bhathal Title of assignment: Assignment 1: Essay Length: Date due: 21/08/15 Date submitted: Campus enrolment: UWS Kingswood Declaration: ï  ± I hold a copy of this assignment if the original is lost or damaged. ï  ± I hereby certify that no part of this assignment or product has been copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is madeRead MoreRpl Learning2091 Words   |  9 PagesDate Name Position Company Address State Postcode ACS Project Report Form Australian Computer Society Skills Assessment 1 July 2012 The ACS Project Report Form is required for all Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Applications Information about the Areas of Knowledge After studying the ACS Key Areas of Knowledge document, tick those areas of knowledge that you believe you have learned from your experience. Please Note: None of the areas  are mandatory. Applicants  willRead MoreThe Inspiration of the Declaration of Independence1203 Words   |  5 PagesMany of us tend to wonder what was the inspiration of the Declaration of Independence? What or who influenced one of the greatest founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, to create such an important document in our American history. To really understand what influenced Thomas Jefferson, we must understand some of the men who inspired him when creating this document. Its also important for us to understand the philosophies these men went by, and why Thomas Jefferson wanted incorporate their philosophiesRead MoreReport On Building Construction At Unsw1721 Words   |  7 Pagesstrongly advised to: ââ€"  Review the assessment requirements contained in the briefing document for the assignment; ââ€"  Review the various matters related to assessment in the relevant Course Outline; ââ€"  Review the Plagiarism and Academic Integrity website a http;/ to ensure they are familiar with the requirements to provide appropriate acknowledgement of source materials; and ââ€"  Retain a copy of this assessment for their records and in case it is misplaced andRead MoreCase Study Questions On Plagiarism And Plagiarism1729 Words   |  7 Pagesassessment work electronically please make sure you have a backup copy. PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is the presentation of the work of another without acknowledgement. Students may use a limited amount of information and ideas expressed by others but this use must be identified by appropriate referencing. CONSEQUENCES OF PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is misconduct as defined under the Student Conduct By-Laws. The penalties associated with plagiarism are designed to impose sanctions on offenders that reflect the seriousnessRead MoreAcademic Year2016 -2017Semester: Spring 2017 (Second Semester).1235 Words   |  5 Pages10 10 100 Marks Marks deduction Criteria Presentation Referencing Word Count E-Library Total Up to (5) (5) Marks 100 Student’s Total Mark /100 Notes on plagiarism: A. According to the Arab Open University By-laws, the following acts represent cases of cheating and plagiarism: ï‚ § Verbatim copying of printed material and submitting them as part of TMAs without proper academic acknowledgement and documentation. ï‚ § Verbatim copying of material from the Internet, includingRead MoreAcademic Literacies : Learning And Communicating Practices1628 Words   |  7 Pagespreviously been submitted for assessment at this or any other university. ââ€" ¡ This is an original piece of work and no part has been completed by any other student than signed below. ââ€" ¡ I have read and understood the avoiding plagiarism guidelines at and no part of this work has been copied or paraphrased from any other source except where this has been clearly acknowledged in the body of the assignment and included in the reference list. ââ€" ¡ I haveRead MoreFundamentals of Project Management3669 Words   |  15 Pagesstructuring your arguments in a logical fashion. Consult as many sources as possible, from your textbooks/study material as well as further resources – remember to reference your material correctly (please refer to the section on Referencing and Plagiarism for some guidelines). ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · Use examples and explanations to justify your arguments. One sentence should contain one idea; more than one idea in a sentence will make your answer cumbersome. One paragraph should contain one main idea supported byRead MoreSchool Of Computing Engineering Mathematics2551 Words   |  11 Pagestime: --- Lecturer/Tutor: Dr. Bahman Javadi Title of Assignment: Individual Essay: Software Testing Methods Length: (Optional) 1800 words Date due: 22nd June 2015 Date submitted: 22nd June 2015 Student Declaration (must be signed) Declaration: †¢ I hold a copy of this assignment if the original is lost or damaged. †¢ I hereby certify that no part of this assignment or product has been copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement

Friday, December 13, 2019

Addie Bundren’s Everlasting Impact Free Essays

Addie Bundren’s Everlasting Impact Often times in novels, there will be a character that has the ability to appear as little as possible and still be able to have one of the biggest impacts on the rest of the characters and on the novel as a whole. In As I Lay Dying, Addie Bundren is one of those types of characters. She has only one chapter in the entire book, yet is somehow able to have the biggest influence on the rest of the characters. We will write a custom essay sample on Addie Bundren’s Everlasting Impact or any similar topic only for you Order Now She is the basis of the story, and everything relates back to her. Addie Bundren seems to have such a heavy impact on the characters as they were constantly trying to please her. Darl always longed for her approval and was constantly jealous of her relationship with Jewel. He was always trying to provoke Jewel: â€Å"’You could borrow the loan of Vernon’s team and we could catch up with you,’ I say. ‘If she didn’t wait for us. ’ ‘Ah, shut your goddamn mouth,’ Jewel says. † (pg. 18) Addie seems to have enjoyed all the attention she was getting. She was constantly trying to fulfil her feeling of dissatisfaction, trying to find multiple ways to rid herself of the sickening feeling, but nothing she did helped. Her dissatisfaction was the centre of her life. Her character greatly affected all the characters in the novel. She was the spokes holding their family wheel together. Darl longed for her approval, while Jewel had her sitting on a pedestal. Anse, even through all his selfish, narcissistic ways, looked up to her and felt attached to her, even beyond her death. He felt like he owed her something. Her character is similar to Vardaman’s character in the sense that they are both unable to fully express themselves. Vardaman resorts to comparisons such as ‘my mother is a fish’ (pg. 84) while Addie resorts to having an affair with Whitefield. Addie is the basis of the book. Without her, there would not be a story. Her character has a powerful hold over the rest of the Bundrens, even after death. With her death, the characters could have just buried her wherever they felt convenient; however, they still follow through with her request. Though one could argue that they did so only for their own selfish benefits, their conversations never fail to relate back to her in one way or another. They feel compelled to grant her wishes, making references to her while on their journey, helping the reader piece Addie’s character together without her actually speaking. As I Lay Dying amplifies the feminist role with Addie Bundren. It ties her influence in with her motherly figure, making her a vital character in the novel. She has the rare ability to hold such a powerful control over the characters in the novel, making her a significant character with only one chapter. How to cite Addie Bundren’s Everlasting Impact, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Personal Anxiety Experience Essay Example For Students

Personal Anxiety Experience Essay Anxiety is a thing that everyone has. Anxiety isn’t just for one person. Anxiety helps when I am nervous, and it can make me do so much better in sports and in life. Every time I am nervous its anxiety helping me out. When anxiety happens to me it sucks because the feeling is so weird and it can sometimes suck. Anxiety can’t always help me. When it doesn’t it makes things way much worse than what it is already. Anxiety is that little thing that helps and can sometimes help out, but can also make things really bad. Whenever anxiety comes to my mind or to my body it really doesn’t feel good at all. That nervous feeling to me I can never like. I will never be use to it and I am always nervous, so to me it always sucks. Anxiety is the worst feeling in my life other than pain because pain really hurts. Anxiety can sometimes hurt me also, so sometimes they can feel the same or anxiety can sometimes feel worse. Anxiety does sometimes make me play better than I can when I don’t have that anxiety feeling. Like I said before I hate the feeling it sucks and I will never ever be used to that feeling. Other people do like that sudden feeling of anxiety which I find those types of people weird and freaky. The freaky people that like that feeling of anxiety are really weird and can be weirder if they have more of that feeling of anxiety. â€Å"Anxiety is that feeling of butterflies in your stomach†, â€Å"it’s that feeling that you have when you have stage fright†. Most of all anxiety has shown to help, but has shown to make some of the stuff worse. Anxiety is the best because you can have a better time with those few first butterflies. I hate the butterflies feeling in your stomach because it makes you have to poop sometimes, but when you go and try to use the bathroom you don’t have to anymore. Before a wrestling match I always have to pee. That is my anxiety. Whenever I am nervous it’s almost like my Blatter just shrinks up and into my stomach. â€Å"Many people tend to associate the feeling of anxiety with stress†, but I’m going to tell you right now that that is not the case. If people say that they are very wrong. Anxiety is not stress, but sometimes it can lead to stress. Sometimes people stress out over the anxiety that they have. Which is just how they react to their anxiety, but most people react very nicely to their anxiety. Not always, but most of the time they will do better than when they don’t have that sudden feeling of anxiety. That’s how I feel about that feeling that we call anxiety. I feel pretty good about it, but with some other people it’s not the greatest feeling in the world. I did say that I can hurt at times, but other times it makes me do a lot better than I ever could. Anxiety is the best, but it’s also the worse of people’s lives.