Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Lead to the Success of a Marketing Plan †

Question: Discuss about theLead to the Success of a Marketing Plan. Answer: Companies often see the success of the sales department, and they somehow forget that sales without asuccessful marketing plan do not result in optimal success (McDonald, and Wilson, 2016). The basic design, planning and a proper implementation of product presentation to the customer usually occurs in successful sales. Several issues lead to the success of a marketing plan including human factors and social, economic factors such as having the right people. These issues include; Documenting the content plan. The documentation of strategies determines how content marketing can be used by the departments to succeed by playing a critical role hence increasing the return on investment. The content plan can include the mission plan, the target audience, content creation plan, editorial calendars and distribution plan. Publication based on audience Content marketingis about gaining influence of online publication to reach the target market. Public relations and media coverage play a big role in reaching to the target audience and third-party endorsement of your products (Baker, 2014). Maintaining customer base Microsoft business website suggests that keeping an inactive or unhappy customer is more beneficial than gaining new customers. To make a marketing plan work, sunrise company can stay in touch with the their customers by frequently sending them emails of current and future purchases and have them do some marketing for the company and reward them after sending new customers to the company. Understanding your competitors marketing strategies Sunrise ltd should research their competitors by evaluating how they market their products by reading their competitors websites, online ads, and other marketing materials (Baker, 2014). Sunrise should then evaluate what works and what does not work for their competitors and this guide on ways to effectively market your products. Monitoring and performance plan Monitoring helps a company to know when to improve or alter plans against the performance indicators (Costa, Keane, and Torrens, 2013). Environmental changes both internal and external and resource usage can affect the performance of a company. The steps involved in monitoring process include; Comparing planned performance with the actual performance Records the difference between the actual and the planned performance Identifying the reasons for the difference Implement strategies to alter the operational plan or adopt performance What should be monitored? Sun Rise Company should monitor implementation of their planned activities such the quality of their rice which involves a combination of quality management tools to increase the business and reduce losses, the impact that the product has and the time taken to implement the planned activities. Sunrise Company should monitor the financial implementations such as; progress against the target and the cost of each activity. In this case, they should check the planned cost versus the reality checks on cost schedules (Kerzner, 2017). Lastly, sun Rise Company should monitor the performance of the company; this includes the overall function of their system set to implement the project and the capacity of their staff to deliver quality work and meet their terms. Sun rice should conduct monitoring should be done before an event to identify potential problems and opportunities before they occur, during an event to identify the problems that are rising and after an event to provide solutions for the future. Sun Rise should be directly responsible for monitoring to control their situations, and if they cannot, they should record the findings and suggestions for future improvements. References Kerzner, H., 2017.Project management metrics, KPIs, and dashboards: a guide to measuring and monitoring project performance. John Wiley Sons. Costa, A., Keane, M.M., Torrens, J.I. and Corry, E., 2013. Building operation and energy performance: Monitoring, analysis and optimisation toolkit.Applied Energy,101, pp.310-316. McDonald, M. and Wilson, H., 2016.Marketing Plans: How to prepare them, how to profit from them. John Wiley Sons. Baker, M.J., 2014.Marketing strategy and management. Palgrave Macmillan.

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