Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Purpose Of My Research Conducted For This Paper Was

The purpose of my research conducted for this paper was to examine the relationship between Parkinson s disorder and its connection to the anatomy of the human body. Parkinson s is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement due to the loss of Dopamine. Dopamine which is a neurotransmitter located in the brain allows signals to be transported from one nerve cell to another. Its purpose is to regulate both movement and cognition. The loss of these chemical messengers can cause both stiffness of the body and tremors, which are two common effects of Parkinson s. Throughout this paper I will include more information gained through my research of the disease and its relationship to the human body.†¦show more content†¦Several decades after the publishing of â€Å"An Essay on the Shaking Palsy† Charcot took it upon himself to conduct research of his own. Known as â€Å"The Father of Neurology† Charcot differentiated tremors found in Parkinsonâ €™s disease with those of patients with multiple sclerosis (Aslinia, Kumar, Mazza, 2011). After his findings he found it necessary to pay homage to the first physician who originally brought recognition to this disorder. Naming the disease maladie de Parkinson which in English means â€Å"Parkinson Disease†. What exactly is Parkinson’s? Known commonly as a movement disorder. It affects movement, muscle control, and balance. â€Å"It is the second most common progressive neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer’s disease, and the second most prevalent and disabling condition in the expanding elderly population† (Mikkelsen,Stinson, 2011, pg xix). For those that aren’t aware what neurodegenerative means it’s simply the loss of nerve cells. Nerve cells which are also known as neurons are located in the nervous system. Neurons are broken down into three different types. 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