Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Methods Of The American Revolution - 3308 Words

The Methods Leading to the American Revolution The colonist’s rebellious reaction to the British King and Parliaments actions led to their American Revolution. Did the colonists rebel in a justice form or was Great Britain taking advantage of them? Did the methods they used like the Boston Tea Party and Boston Massacre proper? Was Great Britain right not to include colonists to represent in Parliament? Was it right for Great Britain to tax the colonists or were the colonists right to revolt? The leading events toward the American Revolution started when the colonist objected paying taxes to Great Britain. They felt it violated their rights as British people because the acts were passed in England without a colonial representative. Not only did the British taxation cause their revolution, but it was also a unifying force in the colonies. After gaining France’s North American territory in the Seven Years war, Britain faced huge debt and the responsibility of a massive l and. The purpose for this land was to gather the resources and make extra profit to benefit England. Before Great Britain started enforcing taxes and acts, the colonists lived a life of prosperity and governed themselves. Great Britain showed salutary neglect towards them, and due to this, the colonists were not willing to be â€Å"tied down† with their governing. They argued The French and Indian War wasn’t their responsibility and the British shouldn’t tax them without representation, while the BritishShow MoreRelatedThe Methods Of The American Revolution3308 Words   |  14 PagesThe Methods Leading to the American Revolution The colonist’s rebellious reaction to the British King and Parliaments actions led to their American Revolution. Did the colonists rebel in a justice form or was Great Britain taking advantage of them? Did the methods they used like the Boston Tea Party and Boston Massacre proper? Was Great Britain right not to include colonists to represent in Parliament? 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